The Dons started off club week strong in the quad today with all of the extracurricular clubs. Earlier, at lunch, the group’s: Drama, robotics, Art, Computer Programmers United (CPU), Spanish, and Take Lead all set up booths and painted posters to intrigue students to join the clubs that best suited their individual interests.
Groups like Drama displayed all of their awards and trophies, and robotics showed off some of their robots, some of which zoomed around the quad holding advertisements with Google Classroom codes. Students also took pictures with the signs fromSpanish club and CPU’s, others drew at the art club table with the provided sketch board with friends.
Another club in the quad, was Take Lead, a group connected to teacher track, which gave out stamps and stickers. Alexa Garcia, club president said in an interview, “I’m very pumped! I have high hopes and I’m planning to help this club grow.”