The Cerritos High Drama Program presents Elf Jr. The Musical in collaboration with Leal Elementary School and Tetzlaff Middle School, with two casts (Twinkle Jingley and Sparkle Jolly) in the production running from December 13 to December 14. Based on the hit holiday movie Elf, it follows the journey of Buddy the Elf who goes from the North Pole all the way to New York City in search of his birth father.
In the musical, Buddy the Elf finds out his father is on the naughty list, his half-brother doesn’t believe in Santa, and Jovie (a woman he falls in love at first sight with) doesn’t like Christmas! Buddy decides to bring back the Christmas spirit to New York City, discovering friendship, romance, and his true self along the way.
The Twinkle Jingley Cast stars Cassidy Buck, Senior, who played Buddy in his holiday adventure. After her first performance of the evening, Cassidy comments, “My favorite part about this production was all the energy that has been put into it, and getting to share such a fun show with all my friends—plus getting to work with this newer generation that we’re going to bring up into the drama program.”
Isabella Gavilanes, Senior, who played Jovie in the Twinkle Jingley Cast, adds “I loved the characterization and the fact it had to do with Christmas because I love Christmas. The ending is my favorite part, it was super fun and really rewarding.”
Elf Jr. The Musical truly had the cheerful and merry spirit brought by our award-winning drama program and its successful collaboration with Leal Elementary School and Tetzlaff Middle School students. Stay tuned for the upcoming musical, Chicago, an ABC Unified District production coming. Another round of applause for our drama dons and their hard work in producing these shows!