The opportunity to show off the many elective classes that are offered here at Cerritos was a busy event for the elective fair this wednesday held in the quad at both snack and lunch. The students were given a chance to explore other possible paths they could take for the next year such as our cultural languages, art, S.T.E.M., and many AP curriculums.
Lining both the inside of the quad as well as the walkways between the buildings were tables of each elective displaying aspects of their class to attract any passing students. The quad was buzzing with activity as both students and teachers worked to promote their elective with either flyers or games. Each table presented a variety of choices like our many cultural classes, AP sciences, pharmacy pathways, and our more creative electives like our art and film study classes. Each one offered valuable knowledge to learn more about, such as how different smells were used in medicine from the pharmacy class or what the influence of different water qualities affected the ocean dynamic in marine biology. “There’s a lot of diversity here, it’s not just one. It’s nice to see that Cerritos has options and that others are passionate about their electives,” stated senior Johnnelsan Hartono.
While Cerritos provides a majority of scholarly focused curriculums, it should not stop you from taking part in other courses. Joining a new elective allows time to enjoy a personal interest, or to find a new one, and it can create a more enjoyable high school experience.