From what started as a single movie adaptation, the Sonic movie franchise has become a loved series for Sonic fans and regular movie watchers alike, and with the release of Sonic 3, it has only risen in popularity. Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released on December 20, 2024, and since then it has received praise for being “the best, most entertaining, crowdpleasing, and hilarious Sonic film to date,” according to Rotten Tomato critc Chris Sawin.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 takes it to the next level when it comes to the Sonic movie franchise. With the introduction of Knuckles and Tails in the previous Sonic movie, in Sonic the Hedgehog 3 we get one of the coolest characters in the franchise: Shadow the Hedgehog. While his presence in the movie is noteworthy, the role his story plays in the film brings so much emotion and depth to the film, bringing excitement for all viewers to enjoy.
Another recognizable aspect that makes Sonic the Hedgehog 3 a cinematic hit is the balance of heart-warming, comedic, and action-packed scenes. This movie was meant to make you laugh out loud, but also keep your eyes glued to the fighting action on the big screen. This CGI live-action film has moments for families to enjoy with their kids while keeping Sonic fans invested in the story.
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 features an excellent cast, including Ben Schwartz as Sonic, Idris Elba as Knuckles, Keanu Reeves as Shadow, and Jim Carrey as Ivo Robotnik and Gerald Robotnik. Ben Schwartz captures Sonic’s energy perfectly, and Jim Carrey delivers one of his best performances as Ivo Robotnik. It’s clear that the actors enjoyed their roles and put a lot of love into their performances.
This incredible movie has touched the hearts of many, including Sonic fans like myself who have been waiting for a film like Sonic the Hedgehog 3 to release. If you haven’t watched the first two Sonic movies yet, don’t worry, because Sonic the Hedgehog 3 is also great as a standalone movie. Make sure to add this movie to your ‘watch list,’ and look forward to the next Sonic movie in 2027!