The Cerritos High Drama Program presents Elf Jr. The Musical in collaboration with Leal Elementary School and Tetzlaff Middle School, with two casts (Twinkle Jingley and Sparkle...
On November 15, in the East Gym, club HOSA ran the Cerritos High school annual Blood Drive in partnership with Cedar Sinai, starting from 7am, ending at 1pm. Students of all grades...
She’s a femininomenon who’s garnered over two billion streams on Spotify. Chappell Roan made history when she performed the biggest daytime set at Lollapalooza, a music festival...
Before even starting as Cerritos High School’s new principal, Dr. Crechena Wise was already envisioning and planning how she could make Cerritos shine even brighter. In May she...
The Cerritos High Drama program presented Radium Girls, their latest production with showtimes from October 23 through 26. Based on a true story, the show followed the women who...
California holds a statewide earthquake preparedness drill every year. Millions join in, including Cerritos High School. This year's Great Shakeout was held at 10:17am on October...
Club week came to an end in the quad on September 17, 2024, Cerritos High School’s clubs showed off their extracurricular ventures. Their goal is to show their fellow peers what...
Mylo Yoon, Director of Designs & Illustrations
• October 6, 2024
ASB held the 2024 top six rally this past Friday in the gym to announce the Homecoming Royal Court. The event continued upon the story told at the premiere, Tangled in Our Memories,...
Dons came to interact with the community service clubs set up in the quad earlier today. Organizations, such as; American Red Cross, American Cancer Society, Key Club, Surf Rider,...
The Dons came to the Quad during lunch to explore the Special Interest clubs that Cerritos had to offer. Interest clubs are some of the many clubs that you can join. Some of these...
Dons flocked to the quad to view the cultural organizations they could join for the second day of club week. The clubs: Chikara(Japanese), Jakara Movement, Taiwanese,...
The Dons started off club week strong in the quad today with all of the extracurricular clubs. Earlier, at lunch, the group's: Drama, robotics, Art, Computer Programmers United...