Club week launched Monday in the quad during lunch with nine cultural clubs for all students to join, regardless of their own ethnicity. Jakara, Chikara, Maza, Taiwanese, Black Student Union (BSU),

Club, Senior Alice Lee and
Senior President Siyoung Bae
(Mariana Alonso)
Magkaisa, Korean, Muslim Student Union (MSU) and Latinos Unidos allow students to connect with the different backgrounds of our students through activities like field trips, bonding events, fundraisers, dances and traditional crafts.
Students are encouraged to join cultural clubs as they are able to learn about the different communities they’re surrounded by. “A great way to meet new friends and learn more” said senior Jada Chin, director of publicity for the Jakara club.
Students can connect with clubs through social media accounts which contain the information for google classroom, websites, and future events. Most officer roles are closed, so interested students should apply fast for any roles left.
As a way to commemorate Hispanic Heritage Month, Latinos Unidos, conducted a spirit week. The spirit week consists of wearing your country’s flag on Monday, your favorite soccer jersey on Tuesday, Wednesday dress up as your Hispanic heroes, Thursday wear Central America/Caribbean colors, and Friday Mexico day. “We want to make sure their culture is well represented throughout our community here at Cerritos,” said senior Angeline Caceres, a former president of Latinos Unidos.
Being part of cultural organizations gives students a sense of pride and belonging. Despite being in another country, club week ensures that students feel seen, included and connected to their heritage. The clubs are a representation of the diversity in our campus.